Athletics and How to increment Endorphins – Self Dev.III


Athletics and How to increment Endorphins


Athletics is a power energetics Dynamics that Lead you to Move and energize and add ecstasy to your emotion.

It is about being slim first, being slim and practicing also.

If you want to be slim it is not about moving first but about minimizing food intake and eating healthy, cutting sugar and sodium bicarbonate Cannings, salt, the food tastes nice without salt it has its own sugar and salt especially fresh vegetables.

You can also try peperica, peperica is very healthy. peperica with skimmed Philadelphia and toast, or toast with avocado and Philadelphia in the morning.

Try to cut caffeine gradually and take the green, smoothie which is healthy, spinach, banana, and matcha powder.

Then when you eat healthily, you will feel healthy, exercise naturally, exercises that suit your body and you will start improving and getting radiant.

Trimming skin is not by Gerontology, it is by practicing, by moving, by using sports tools.

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